Athens 2016 – The Bite-Sized Version


I have been utterly terrible in making regular online updates for the past couple of weeks. I’m going to chalk it up to being immersed in a place that inspires both ancient and modern odysseys, and encourages time outdoors…

Spending this month in Athens has been incredibly eye-opening; providing a window into the past, and a reflective lens on the present. If you’re interested in a more fleshed-out version, find the page entitled ‘Athens 2016’, also located within this site. These little blogs will be less words, more images.

The image above is a Hera bust from the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, combined with half a self-portrait of yours truly. It was made on a PC using the paint application – something I haven’t used since I arrived my first year at the University of Wollongong, but nevertheless a piece of technology that my generation takes for granted.

Stay tuned for a flash animation of the Melos fragment…



Fragment from the Island of Melos, National Archaeological Museum


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